So if you’re paying waaaayyyyy too much attention to the layout of this here blog, you’ve noticed a new button over on the sidebar, which says that my collection of poetry and short stories is now available for purchase!

I know, I’ve been working on Choices so much that I almost forgot I had poems and short stories, too. But I do, and the first collection is now available from (or it will be in a couple of weeks – I’m dealing with ISBN numbers and stuff like that right now). But you can order it in hard copy right now for $12 plus shipping, or for download for $5.

Or, if you’d like to have a signed and numbered limited edition, you can order that here. I’m going to do a limited run of 100 copies that I’ll sign and number, and the $15 will cover shipping to you via US Mail as well. So please tell all your friends, and don’t forget – books make great gifts, too! Given that shipping off Lulu is kinda spendy if you’re only buying one book, and that I gt a publisher’s discount plus a quantity discount for buying a big box of books, it’ll actually be cheaper for you to go with the pre-order and help me defray the costs of publishing.

I know, I’m a dirty pirate whore. Get over it.

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