You might be wondering why, after publishing 39 installments of a novel on this little website, I would decide to start off my self-publishing life by publishing a collection of short stories and poetry, and not hold off until the novel happens. Well, some days so am I, but here’s how my thinking ran. Having never published anything on before, or on any other self-publishing format (and the word publishing is extremely hard to type this morning for some reason) I decided to publish the collection of randomness first to see how it all looks. I wanted to see how easy the ISBN process is, to see what it was going to look like in a final product, and to see what the turnaround time on orders is.

And I’m not finished editing the novel yet. Plus, there are a couple of events coming up in Charlotte that I wanted to participate in, and it would be handy to have published examples of my work for those events. I’ll tell you more about them as they develop. So I went ahead and dusted off the small collection and went to press. I’m not done with Choices, but hopefully I will be in the next few weeks, and then I can have it printed and ready to go early fall. And if enough of you buy the current book, I won’t even have to go too deep into hock to pay for it :). Actually, the stuff is really affordable, and the royalty setup is much better than traditional publishing (although you obviously expect to sell fewer copies). So it’s an experiment, let’s see if we can make anything blow up!

So buy my book. You can use your debit card on PayPal if you like.

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