Hospital – the beginnings

It’s 5:40 AM and I’ve been up for two hours. That’s about the epitome of suck in my life, as I am the furthest thing from a morning person. At least the waiting room has wi-fi. My father-in-law just arrived with Suzy’s aunt in tow, beginning the phenomenon that I’ve never understood – the waiting room congregation. I understand the principle – you want to show your support for the person having surgery, and be there in case the family member that has to be on site in case of emergencies needs anything. And in case of emergency surgery, it makes more sense to me. Then there’s the chance that something tragic, or at least exciting. will happen.

But I’m not a morning person and the thought of spending the day trapped in a hospital waiting room is bad enough, much less having to spend it making small talk with my in-laws. It would be okay if this were June, far enough from the holidays that we might not have seen each other in a while, but it’s February, pretty much guaranteeing that we’ll have nothing to talk about.

Add that to the fact that I’ve got a $2 million project that goes to bid today, and I’m not a happy camper. And I’ve got a cold, which makes me nothing but grumpier. Obviously my disposition will improve by the afternoon, once the bid is out and Suzy’s surgery is completed successfully, but for the next few hours I’d much prefer to just put on my headphones, watch a few episodes of Sons of Anarchy, and wait for the day to move along.