So on the first check-in day of ROW80 (Round 1), I should be at either 2,000 or 3,000 words, depending on whether I’ve gotten my quota for the day in or not. So where am I really?
3,795 words.
That’s right, kids, I’m almost a full day ahead of schedule, with the possibility of taking an extra day off on Friday, or forging ahead and getting a huge head start on next week. I won’t get any writing done tonight, most likely, because there’s an errand I’ve got to run to SC that will take up most of my night. but I pounded out 1,117 during lunch and I’m at that magic point of the book where I know where it’s going and how to get there, I just need to get my butt in front of a keyboard and write it.
I’ve also started using Scrivener for this project and have become totally enamored with it. I love how it organizes notes for me, and I really love how it makes converting to ebook super-easy. Since starting the trial I’ve uploaded a collection of poetry and a short story to Kindle, and I’ve re-formatted Returning the Favor and re-published it. I’m also probably changing the prices of all my books after my Kindle giveaway contest, so buy the novels now while they’re cheap! Once the contest is over my pricing structure is going to look something like this – short stories for $.99, short story collections $2.99-4.99 depending on length, novels $4.99-6.99 depending on length, with a loss leader of $.99 intro books in series. But those changes won’t kick in until April 1, so you’ve got plenty of time (and I have time to change my mind elebenty million times by then).
And today I finished my second workout in the Couch to 5K regimen. I have a little shin splint that’s really cutting down how much actual running I’m doing, but I did better today than I did Monday, so that’s progress. I only managed to run for about 6 of the 9 segments, but Monday I think I only did 4. Hopefully Friday I’ll be able to do all 9, but I may give myself an extra recovery day and do the run on my own Saturday.
And here’s another way to earn entries into the Win A Kindle Giveaway!
For every $10 you donate to my 24 Hours of Booty page, I’ll give you one entry into the contest. So go read about this great fundraising ride for cancer, and donate generously. You might win a Kindle for your trouble!
Good stuff! Sounds like it’s flowing well for you. I’m hoping to try Scrivener – mostly because I’m a mess – but I want to wait until I start a brand new project.
Rock the booty sir. Always happy to give for this.