I missed a deadline this morning. Well, I probably haven’t really missed it until tonight, and there is a slightly less than zero percent chance that I can create a short story out of whole cloth between now and the time I go to sleep. Except for the fact that I’m at work, which interferes with my writing. It’s considered somewhat untoward for the manager to be working on his fiction writing while at work. We’re not going to talk about my blogging while working, because it doesn’t take as long. And because we’re not going to talk about it.

Just got some interesting news, though. The 2012 Democratic National Convention will be coming to Charlotte, which is good news for the day job. You see, I sell theatrical lighting equipment. And news crews use a lot of lighting. And so do event companies. And two things that flood into a town during a big political convention are event companies and news crews, so that looks like next summer will provide a nice little bump in sales for us.Nothing huge, but a decent bump is better than nothing, which is what we would have gotten if the convention had gone to St. Louis.

On the writing front, I’m getting the first proofreading bits of Back in Black (and Blue) back, so I think we’ll be all systems go to have that ready in March. I just stocked up on Hard Day’s Knight and The Chosen to have copies at RoundCon in a couple of weeks, so if you’re gonna be around Columbia, SC come by and say hello. I’ve also been featured on a couple of cool websites lately, including Fang-Tastic Books and No Trees Harmed. Please go visit these folks and thank them for supporting your favorite independent author!

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