It’s the hottest new toy for the holidays, it’s the Kindle Fire! And I’m giving away not one, but TWO of them! Yep, two lucky winners will get a Kindle Fire this holiday season, and it’s 100% free to enter and win!

Yep, this is how I’m using the last of my marketing budget for the year!

It might be free, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be simple – there are LOTS of ways to gain entries, and if I’m gonna drop $400 on electronics, you better believe I have a plan to sell a few books in the process.

I’ll even go you one better. If any of my books hits the Kindle Top 100 at any point during the contest, I’ll add in a third Kindle! So the more books I move in the next month, the better your chance to win a Kindle!

Here’s how you can win -There might be even more ways to win coming soon, so keep checking back here –


Here are the rules for the contest –

Contest runs through 11PM EST, November 23, 2011, to 5PM EST, December 19, 2011. That should give me enough time to order the kindles and get them shipped to people for Christmas delivery (I’ve got Prime, so it’ll be 2-day delivery). There’s no purchase necessary, and all the ways to earn entries are listed below.

You get one entry for commenting on this blog post. That’s all it takes – one comment that says “I wanna win!” or something to that effect.

You get one entry for signing up for my email newsletter – click the box on the right-hand side of the page

You get one entry for following me on Twitter – @johnhartness

You get one entry for “liking” my Facebook Author page

You get one entry for Following this blog using Google Friend Connect (also in the right sidebar for the folks in RSS reader-land)

You get one entry for following my Ebook promo site – Ebook Deals Today – on Twitter – @ebookdeals2day

You get one entry for “liking” Ebook Deals Today on Facebook

You get one entry for every Facebook post that links to one of my book or Ebook Deals Today.

You get one entry for every tweet that links to one of my books (and includes my twitter handle so I can find it!) or Ebook Deals Today. Retweets count!

If you have a blog, you get one entry for every time you link to this blog,, or one of my books on your blog.

Take a picture of yourself reading one of my books somewhere interesting, or holding up a sign promo’ing my books somewhere interesting, post it to Facebook, and I’ll give you one entry per photo.

And if you come up with some other type of crazy creative marketing stunt that might result in a few sales for me, let me know and I’ll give you an entry for that, too!


Those are all ways to win without buying anything. No BS, and it only takes one entry to win.


But if you want to max out your chances, you might want to buy a book or two. This is a sales/promo contest, after all.


You get 10 entries for every book of mine you buy between now (11/23/11) and the end of the contest – 5PM on 12/19/11 – you have to email me a receipt (please black out personal info like credit card data) or buy the books through PayPal here on the site.

You can also get 10 entries for every book you buy from me in print form – just order them here on the site or pick them up at one of my live events.

You get 5 entries for every book you buy that is a featured Ebook Deal of the Day on These books all have positive reviews and all are under $6.99.

You get 5 entries for every review you write of one of my books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or iTunes. And the reviews should be honest. If you think my writing is crap on toast (pop quiz, which urban fantasy author did I steal that phrase from – worth another entry to the first correct commenter) then you should say so. If you hate it and give it a review (must be at least 100 words, and no bs like “I hated it” 34 times) I’ll give you two entries. That’s two entries per book reviewed, so the more reviews you write, the more entries you get. Obviously you can only review each book once, because to do anything else skews the review process. So no sock puppet reviews, no multiple reviews, and please don’t slag another book in a positive review for mine (or vice versa).


So there’s the plan – and if you have other things that you can do to promote my site or my books, then you’ll get extra entries for it and I’ll post those methods here so everybody can get the same benefit. YouTube videos featuring my books, getting my book covers on an episode of Vampire Diaries (it shoots in Atlanta, it could be done!), whatever you can do to become my street team and promo my books here at the holidays will earn you entries.

And remember, if any one of my books reaches the Kindle Top 100, I’ll give away a third Kindle Fire!

Please email any questions or entries to johnhartness AT gmail DOT com. You know what to do with that address.


UPDATE – Suzanne gets the bonus entry for knowing that crap on toast is from Kim Harrison’s Hollows series. I love those books. A bunch.


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