And not the Girls Gone Wild type that have made Joe Francis a bajillionaire.

I keep track of tiny little tidbits of stories and poems in my notebook. But I keep my notebook on my phone and in my computer. I use a program called Evernote to keep track of my multiple to-do lists, and I use one of these lists for story ideas and things I hear that stand out to me. Then when I’m stuck on something to write, I roll these over and over in my head until something falls out. I also think Evernote is a pretty killer productivity tool since it syncs your electronic to-do lists between phone, web and computer, and if you’re as scatterbrained as I am, if it doesn’t make it onto a list, it never, ever gets done.

So here are some flashes that I’ve got in my little notebook right now –

black burkha in the carolina southern sun

standing on one leg on a street corner with no foot left

tie you to my soul with strands of blood and hope

I leaked milk and cried blood into the snow for you.

fly on concrete angel, let the winds of the city carry you away.

porn for breakfast.

she wore her androgyny like a badge of honor

I have walked through the fires of my souls and come through battered scarred but whole

girl can’t afford seminary tuition so she works as a stripper

He sees the world in colors

Right now, the last two are my favorites, the girl who is working her way through seminary as a stripper and the boy who sees the world in colors. That last one is a reference to autism that I saw on some TV show this week. Somewhere there’s a story about the confessional girl, living in a sinful world, dancing for dollars and working her way closer to God. What should I tackle first off that list? You tell me, I’ll write something tonight and bring it back to you. It might suck, but I’ll take the assignment.

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