For National Poetry Month (yeah, I didn’t know either until I started reading poetry blogs, because apparently I’m a poet now, which while may sound gay as all get-out does not in and of itself mean that I will commence to smoking cloves and I am still far more likely to be found wearing a luchador mask than a beret. That is all) there’s a Poem a Day challenge at Poetic Asides, a Writer’s Digest blog written by Robert Lee Brewer. I’m going to try to keep track and write a poem each day, but let’s be reasonable here, I have a job and a wife and plenty of other bad habits to indulge, so it’s unlikely that I’ll manage one every day, but here’s the first one. Robert’s prompt was loneliness – this is what I got to.

Enforced Solitude

Sitting in the window
looking for you,
watching the birds
and dog run free
while I content myself
with clawing up the new toilet paper roll
and pooping in your new heels
Mondays are the hardest day,
I think,
for cats.

I know, right?

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