Last weekend I went to Raleigh to participate in the NC ComiCon. I had a great time, despite feeling kinda crappy all weekend with the crud that eventually levelled me and kept me out of of work for the first half of this week.  But I got to meet some great folks, including Jim Valentino and Richard Case, and my booth neighbor Rob Anderson, creator/writer/publisher of Animal Control: Special Creatures Unit, a futuristic comic featuring funky hybrid animals like gatorsnakes, pandadogs and pocket dragons. Rob was very friendly and in good humor through the weekend and his upbeat patter kept me from turning into a bag of phlegm-filled sulk like I can easily do when I don’t feel well. I just hope I didn’t infect him with the crud as a thank you gift! Also had dinner with Rob and Chris Flick, who writes the hilarious webcomic Capes n’ Babes, which I’ve been a subscriber to for a couple years now, so that was a blast. I sold about enough books to make the whole thing financially worthwhile, so I’ll be on the lookout for other cons to exhibit at in the future.

And of course there was cosplay. The costume contest was Sunday, so anyone who wandered by my table with a decent costumed got corralled into having a photo with one or more of my books. Here are some of my faves.




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