

Just for the record, five hours of tattooing is a lot. A whole lot. This is my third tattoo, and by a mile the most extensive. I went in wanting something to symbolize rebirth and transformation as I move from one career into another one entirely. So I looked around for a while before I decided on a tattoo shop, Fu’s Custom Tattoo’s here in Charlotte. I met with Christian Dunn, set an appointment and gave him a piece of reference art to think about.

We started here.










Or more specifically, here, because as much as I love Jean Grey, she wasn’t what I was shooting for.









only without the ginormous boobs. I love boobs, but I don’t want them tattooed on my shoulder.


I left that with Christian to think about, and we scheduled an appointment. I’ll admit to a certain level of nerves when he said that I should come in at 12:30 in the afternoon and that I would be his only appointment that day, because it would be extremely detailed. And a very long process. And take multiple sessions.

I was nervous because I knew what that meant. Pain. Lots of Pain.

I was right. After about an hour and a half of drawing, we were ready to start the outline. Yep, it took over an hour of freehanded drawing before we actually got to any tattoing. Another two hours of needle work, and we had this.

Two hours of having a needle jabbed into my flesh at a bajillion times per minute. A pretty good start. We took a dinner break, and I returned for the last three hours.

Three more hours of having a needle jabbed into my flesh at a bajillion times per minute. And honestly, Christian had a pretty light touch. There were only a few spots where I wanted to cry for my mommy. Mostly up around the top where there’s not much flesh between the skin and the bone. Those spots hurt like hell.







But after three more hours, a bout of lightheadedness, a stomach cramp that would NOT go away, and about a gallon of ink, here’s the end of session 1.

Today my upper arm feels pretty much like I’ve got a bad sunburn. And over the next week this piece will go from lovely to scabby, to flaky, to crappy, back to lovely.

Then in a month or so I get to go back in and get more color done. That will probably only take a couple of hours. I figure when all is said and done I will have spent at least 8 hours in the chair getting inked up.

And I already know what I want for my next one. And the one after that. And the two after that.

It’s a sickness, I know. But they don’t wear out like expensive boots.

Guest Post by Tamsin Silver

I’ve known today’s guest blogger longer than I’ve known any of the other writer friends in the fantasy world. We met long, long ago in another life, in another state, and before a couple more careers for both of us. We reconnected through Facebook and realized that we’re chasing the same dream. Her first book, The Betrayal, came out late last year. Give it a look at Amazon or Barnes & Noble



Anyone who loves acting or directing, dreams of working on Broadway.

Anyone who loves dancing ballet, dreams of dancing at Lincoln Center.

Anyone who loves painting, dreams of having their work in a gallery in Paris, London or NYC.

What about writers? Well, many dream of being published.

When you’re about to be forty there’s really no more lying to yourself. I looked at what I’d been doing and realized that there was no way with my current lifestyle I was ever going to be a well known director. In order to really do that I needed to have a flexible job and I work in an office. It’s a good job. I like it. It pays well and gives me insurance. To walk away from that would be stupid. But if I wanted to really have the freedom to be a director I needed to be able to travel and be flexible. I could do neither. So it was apparent to me that staying in theatre for me was just me spinning my wheels. I wasn’t going to move up any higher than I already was at. And to be honest, I wasn’t happy with that.

I thought of my first love, writing, and weighed that against what I was doing. The answer was very clear. I wanted to write more than I wanted to keep plugging away at directing/producing. Hell, the idea of even attending an Off Off Broadway show made me want to squirm. I swore if I saw one more experimental artsy performance I’d shoot the cast and walk out with a clear conscious. So I hunted for the book I’d started writing in college, loaded it up and finished the damn thing.

I hate to even type this…but it was Twilight that made me do this. DON’T SHOOT ME! Let me explain! It’s not the reason you think.

To be honest, I was suddenly afraid someone was going to write/publish my story. No, Twilight is NOTHING like my series (unless you count the word “vampire” as a connection) but it made me go, “Get off your ass, girl, and get it done!” So, though I’m not a huge fan of the series, I thank the powers that be for putting a foot on my ass.

So, book is finished. Now what? Get an agent…right? Then they’d get me a publisher and so on and so forth. Little did I know how much the publishing world was changing. I don’t think I really understood until I owned a Kindle. I was buying books right and left on that thing. So when a writing pal of mine emailed me a link to an e-publisher looking for Fantasy Novels I thought, what the hell, why not?

But what about an agent? I was trying but I wasn’t getting anywhere fast. I’d been submitting to literary agents for a year and a half and nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I caught the eye of some of them and they asked to read it, but then they would disappear off the planet. Or as I had reached the point of saying, “They fell into a ditch and they swallowed their laptop and forgot how to check their email.”  Yeah, I’m a little bitter. I’m working on it.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, the link my friend had sent me was to Eirelander Publishing. I researched them and submitted. By that Saturday I had an offer in my email. I was shocked. I was in tears. I was leery. It shouldn’t be this easy, right? Then I thought, “Easy? I’ve been bustin’ my ass for a year and a half to get someone to give me a chance!”  And when you write vampire novels and your publisher/editor’s name is Buffi, how can you not see it as “meant to be”?

For you see, I started to try and sell the first book of The Living Dead Girl Saga in December of 2009. I told myself if I’d not found an agent by December 2011 I would start considering going to Grad School (somewhere warm ‘cause NYC weather really bites).  But, on October 14, 2011 that book was released by Eirelander Publishing in e-book format. We hope to see it hit Amazon Print on Demand early in 2012.

For me, two of my dreams have come true. I’ve worked successfully in the indie-theatre world of NYC and now, I am published. To be honest, the latter really hasn’t sunk in fully. I think that’s because it’s so new and because I’m still a tiny fish in a big pond.

But I will push forth! Book Two, called Shattered, in the Living Dead Girl Saga, has been requested by my publisher so if you’ve read Book One, The Betrayal, and enjoyed it, the next one will be out in 2012!

For more information on me and my books, visit me at www.tamsinsilver.com . Once there you can find links to purchase my book in e-format (Amazon and B&N) as well as a PDF form through my publisher. You’ll also find cool things like pictures of my characters, videos from the photo-shoots, and if you hit the October entries of my blog there are character profiles for most everyone in the LDG Saga. Or, if you want…here are links:

Photos: http://is.gd/nD6rd7

Videos: http://is.gd/tYJbJ7

Character Profiles: http://is.gd/r2Pixg

I hope you are following your dreams. If you’re not, stop making excuses and GO FORTH! Jump on the ambition train and make it happen. You won’t regret it. Honestly, even if I’d not gotten published yet, I’d not regret my decision. I’ve met so many great people doing National Novel Writer Month and getting involved with a writing group here in NYC, that I feel suddenly like I’m on the right path. I just wish I’d not avoided that path for ten years due to my fears.

So go forth, and good luck!  Cheers!   -Tamsin