by john | Feb 22, 2017 | Business of publishing, Harker, Promos/Giveaways, Writing

Did I mention that there’s a new Quincy Harker book coming out Friday? Because there is, but it’s not a normal Harker book. In fact, everybody’s favorite demon hunter only makes one appearance in this book, and that’s by voicemail.
You see, Harker Year 3 is a huge crossover with my new series, The Shadow Council Case Files, and those two series tie together to make an 8-novella cycle called Quest for Glory. There will be four Shadow Council books, and four Harker books, and they all work together to tell the story of the team’s hunt for the archangels and the quest to get Glory her wings back, and thus restore her divinity.
The story kicks off in Calling All Angels, which features Joanna Harrison, who goes by the moniker of Jo Henry when she’s slamming a hammer into the face of demons and other baddies. She’s looking for Archangel Michael, and when she finds him, she quickly realizes that her troubles are just getting started!
This book follows immediately after Heaven Can Wait, and will be followed by the next Harker novella, Devil Inside, which should release on or before April 1.
You can pre-order it on Amazon today, and me and the cat will thank you for it!
by john | Feb 22, 2017 | Business of publishing, Promos/Giveaways
So I made some stickers. There are Bubba stickers, Harker stickers, Falstaff stickers, and Black Knight stickers. I even took a picture of the stickers, but WordPress is being a dick this morning and I can upload the photo, but it’s rotated 90 degrees. When I rotate the image, it rotates it 180 degrees.
So here are some sideways stickers.

If you want some sideways stickers, there are two ways to get them.
- See me at a signing or a convention, and buy a book. I’ll put a Falstaff sticker and one of whatever sticker corresponds to the sticker in the book, along with a nifty Falstaff Books bookmark that has a link on the back to go download a free Falstaff Books ebook sampler. Yeah, that’s the link for the free ebook right there, too. Or for a buck I’ll give you all four stickers. Or if you bring me a beer to my signing table I’ll give you all four stickers. And probably a hug. Awww, fuck it, I’ll give you a hug even if you don’t bring me beer or buy anything. I’m a big fuzzy fat guy, I’m all about that Hug Life.
- You can also get stickers mailed right to your door by becoming a Patreon Patron at the $5 level or higher. You also get a bunch of other stuff, including free stories, access to the Patron-only video Q&As, and free ebooks.
So if you want stickers, I got stickers. Those images are also available on t-shirts, and if you buy one of the shirts and send me a picture of you wearing it, I’ll send you the stickers. You can get the shirts at TeePublic.
by john | Nov 21, 2016 | Promos/Giveaways, Writing
Hey there, since it’s the season of conspicuous consumption, I decided to jump right the fuck on board with that shit and put a ton of my books on sale for Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Buy All The Shit Sunday/Eat Too Much Shit Thursday/Tired Of Dry Fucking Turkey Sandwiches Tuesday and whatever else we can jam into this week.
The sales start on Wednesday, November 23rd, so if you’re traveling, you can pick up a cheap read for your trip. These are all Kindle Countdown Deals, so the prices go up as the sale goes on, so hurry your ass up!
Go to my Black Friday Sale Page!
by john | Sep 7, 2016 | Promos/Giveaways
Hey there! This week (sorry I didn’t get the word out sooner, I was at Dragon Con) I’ve got three books running free promotions on Amazon!
First off, Knight (Un)Life – a collection of Black Knight Chronicles short stories. This is a great intro to the series, and some good backstory if you want to see how the boys got started, and some holiday bonus content.

Next up we’ve got the Manly Wade Wellman Award-Winning kickoff novella to the Quincy Harker, Demon Hunter series, Raising Hell. If you’ve been interested in checking out the Quincy Harker series, but didn’t want to spent any money, here’s your chance!

Last, but certainly not least, Queen of Kats Book I – Betrayal is free until Friday. With Queen of Kats Book 2 – Survival available now, I thought it might be a good idea to slap a little promo action onto the first book. So check it out!

by john | Aug 1, 2016 | Appearances, Promos/Giveaways, Writing
Hey folks – I know there are a few people who aren’t on my mailing list that sometimes pop by here, so I wanted to give everybody an update on what’s going on and where I will be.
BTW, why aren’t you on my mailing list? Sign up here and you’ll get a free book!
So, new stuff. Here we go. On July 29, I released Heaven Sent, book #5 of the Quincy Harker, Demon Hunter series.

In Heaven Sent, we travel back to 2009 to see the first meeting between Harker and Glory, his guardian angel. She shows up at a crime scene where he is looking into the death of a prominent Charlotte attorney. The lawyer is found in a mall parking lot in the middle of the night, and his body has been drained of most of its blood. Not vampires, this time, the huge slash across the dead man’s throat makes that clear. So why is Harker involved?
To the naked eye, there’s no reason. But when Harker looks over the crime scene with his Second Sight, he sees something strange about the man. Wings. The dead man has a pair of golden ephemeral wings sprouting from his back. The dead man is a Nephilim, a half-human, half-angel hybrid that can walk among the mundane world without anyone ever being the wiser.
Now he’s dead, and he’s not the first one. Quincy Harker has to find out who is murdering angels in the Queen City, and why. Then he has to stop them. Good thing his backup on this case was Heaven Sent.
Heaven Sent is available exclusively on Amazon, as part of it’s Kindle Unlimited service.
I promise, I’ll get into why I went back to KDP Select, making many of my titles available free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers, in another post. Maybe here, maybe on Magical Words.
Coming Soon – Man in Black – Black Knight Chronicles #6

The latest installment of the award-winning Black Knight Chronicles series finds Jimmy Black in more trouble than he’s ever been. He took care of one threat in the last book, In the Still of the Knight, but now he has to deal with all the fallout of the choices he made there.
He’s the new Master of the City, a supernatural crime lord who only ever wanted to be a superhero. He’s been called in by the police to help on a case where he just wants to bite everybody instead of working with them. He just found out that there’s a mysterious Vampire Council, that they’re watching him, and if he screws up – they’ll kill him.
And on top of all that, he’s having serious girlfriend issues.
And oh, yeah, then there’s Lilith…
Man in Black will be available everywhere books are sold August 15th!
Coming in August – Queen of Kats Part 2 – Survival

Once upon a time, there was a thief named Remarin. He was a very good thief, if a it lacking in impulse control. Remarin was hired to steal something because, well, thief. He stole the thing, but his fence double-crossed him. Because, well, thief. So Remarin killed the fence and ran off with an urchin boy he found hiding in the back room of his fence’s shop.
Except the urchin wasn’t an urchin.
And the urchin wasn’t a boy.
She was a girl, her name was Kit, and her uncle murdered her father and took her throne. It was all very much like Hamlet, except without the iambic pentameter.
So Remarin traveled through the lands with the disguised princess, finally settling in one spot for just long enough to get comfortable.
Until someone from Remain’s home finds him. It seems Kit isn’t the only one living a life under false pretenses. And now Remain’s past has caught up to him. The thief has to confront his real identity to save his brother’s life in Queen of Kats Part 2 – Survival.
Queen of Kats will be exclusive to Amazon, but you can get it, and all my new releases, early just by becoming a patron! With Patreon, you choose the pledge, and the rewards. Get free stories, ebooks, and previews! Click here to become a Patron!
Coming sometime in September will be a new Bubba novella. More on that as it finishes.
Where to find me
As convention season winds down, I’ve got a few more appearances on the docket this month and next.
8/7 – Charlotte Comicon
8/13 – Clover Community Con
8/27-8/28 – Soda City Comiccon – Columbia, SC
9/2-9/5 – Dragon Con – Atlanta, GA
I hope to see y’all at one or more of these events!
by john | Nov 1, 2015 | Business of publishing, Promos/Giveaways, Vampires, Writing
Facebook continues to dwindle as a way to connect with readers and bring new fans into the fold, so I’m going to continue pushing to grow my mailing list so that i can keep folks apprised of all my goings on. So here’s my new offer –
Sign up for my Mailing List and get Three FREE ebooks!
That’s right, all you have to do it follow this signup link, do what it tells you, and then in a few days I’ll send you a link where you can download a free ebook!
Then the next month you’ll get my newsletter, and it’ll have a code in it for another free ebook.
Then for Christmas, I’ll send out another code, and you’ll get another free ebook!
So you get THREE FREE EBOOKS if you sign up now!
The first book you get will be Knight (Un)Life, a collection of Black Knight short stories.
Then you’ll get a Bubba book.
Then you’ll get a Harker book for Christmas!
So if you haven’t joined my email list, sign up now and get THREE FREE EBOOKS! If you’ve already signed up, refer a friend and get my undying gratitude (plus the TWO FREE EBOOKS all my subscribers will get).
Remember, this deal ends after Christmas, and you’ve got a lot of shit to do between now and then, so sign up now!